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Chocolate cake.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
I just had a heart-shaped chocolate cake all by myself just now. Yes, all by myself. The story goes like this you see..

I woke up in the morning, washed my face, brushed my teeth and went down to have my morning nescafe, texted my mom after that asking her to buy me Kuey Teow yaw yaw because apparently my parents were out. They came back with my food after that.... this is so tiring. Well, you know what happened next. Watched TV.. kept changing the channels. Wait.. thats not what I wanna say. Lets start again. OK, to shorten it, my parents went to sleepover at Bandar and I don't know what for, to have a romantic night together maybe. haha. I'm left alone here at home..well, not that alone. My grandmother is here and my aunty. So yeah.

I was just so absolutely bored, I can't explain how boring it is, I bet you know what boring means and so thats how I ended up with the chocolate cake. mhm. After watching Stardust which is a GOOD movie by the way and its funny.. and the hero is so cute when he had long hair =D. Moving on... after the movie I was sitting in the living room thinking what to do next. haha I know pathetic. Thought of reading the book I looked at just now but neeeh, my mind changed. Went to the kitchen took out the cake and tadaa. Its the cake from that day from Fratini's. Its ok. Bittersweet taste. I just need something to munch on, and another weight has been put on my body. Excellent!

I've mentioned how I easily put on weight when I eat something heavy, sweet or whatever food that makes you fat. When I eat, it goes to my cheeks. My cheeks!! My two flubby cheeks. haha. Most people that I know, they notice when I put on weight or when I loss weight and I know its through my cheeks..even me, myself I can feel it when my cheeks feels heavy. Its like a heavy chain is hanging around them. I have elastic skin on my face. Isn't that KEWLZ!??! HAHA.

Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr reee dom makes you FAT.

I am just like the others. I'm bored, so I took some pictures. Being a bit vain. Its been a long time that me and vain didn't get together. He misses me. I know. I miss him too. Oh, now vain is a guy. Ohh...I just knew that. OK uhmm.. the pictures can't be uploaded. I don't know. Either its the computer or blogger. Well, I think its my computer. Oh well. Nevermind.



Hello sister. I mitzzzz you too. Bye bye now.

posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 5:22 PM  
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Name: Alisa / Anisah
Home: Kuala Belait, Brunei
About Me: We are sisters. forever sisters. We share stories, problems and.. basically any stuff. We love each other that we have to pull each other's hair whenever we're bored. That's about it. We are crazy.
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