Wonder what we like? |
Anything Chocolatey. Dancing. Shopping. Make Weird Expressions. Reading. Cute little kittens. And.. U figure the others! |
Dislikes! |
People who talk lots of shit. Too crowded places. Mental people should go to fremantle! (LOL OK!!) =). No money in our pocket is such a sh*t. =S. ok tata! |
So, what do you sinnnk(think)?? |
Free chat widget @ ShoutMix
Have a nice evening! |
Sunday, March 1, 2009 |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 7:09 PM |
Selamat hari raya. |
Thursday, October 2, 2008 |
Maaf Zahir & Batin. (:
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 9:28 AM |
Birthday shout! |
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 |
Senyum-senyum la selalu. Semoga di panjangkan umur dan murah rezeki. =)) a very old school message!
Stay cool and himsum (handsome!)! xoxox.
& not to forget, happy birthday to Enor. Don't frown too much. huhu. =)
Labels: Birthday. |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 11:06 PM |
Holiday. |
Thursday, August 14, 2008 |
Hellooooooo.Havent update this blog for quite awhile and thats because I'm lazyy. mah mah mah. I am currently in Perth visiting my sister here and since I've got nothing to do and my sister is sleeping, and someone demanded me to update, so why nooooot? Its okay here, its cold and I don't like it, It makes my lips dry and I'll shiver everywhere, keeping either my arms crossed or putting my hands in my pocket. mhmm. But its quite okay today, its quite sunny and not that cold. Its just niceee..but still cold. haihh. My aunty was here too, babu Fauziah and her daugther Aimie but they went back to Brunei today. Boringgg. I miss Aimieee.
Its okay here, its great that I get to see my sister and laugh our asses off and go shopping!!! and the mudcake was very very very delicious. Warm mudcake with ice cream and cream with melted chocolate all over. YUUUM. Got a happy tummy after that. So uhmmm let me just post pictures here. Let me start with a picture from my gala night last saturday which I stole it from someone. hahahaha. The gala night was okay. It was fun after the performance. So jyeahh.
Krukudail for Jabilah.
..and at the same time I really miss my Hishaaaang. :( :( How I wish hes here with me then we can go eat Jesters Pie. hahahaah apakan. I miss the girls as well. haihh.
Wait til you try our Jesters pieeeeee~~~~~~
Anisah. (: |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 6:59 PM |
Saturday, August 2, 2008 |
Remember when I told you I was craving for Honeycomb Goldrush? Oh heaven, I went to Dome and ordered it and consumed it and I was happy again because of it. *grins from ear to ear*. It was good.
The short glass is Ayoi's Hot Mocha and the glass next to it is my favourite Honeycomb Goldrush. Looks yummy, isn't it? Wait till you try it. hehe. Anyways, nothing much happening in life at the moment. I was just busy sorting out my visa. I'm almost done with my part of the work, it's the agent's turn to do the remaining stuff now. weee~ Until I get that bridging visa, then I'll be happy cause I can work and get paid and earn lots and lots of money and then I can go shopping as much as I want without feeling guilty cause it's my own money bebeh~ Oh, I've just finished reading the 'Shopaholic and Baby' by Sophie Kinsella. I just love her books cause her stories are cute and funny but sometimes they are just very cliche where they thought their husbands are cheating but actually they're not.. and bla bla bla they live happily ever after. But no no, I'm not saying you shouldn't read, in fact, you should. you really should! Get your minds off your problems and enjoy your own time with her books. =)). At the moment, I'm reading Cecelia Ahern's book called "Where Rainbows End". She's the writer of P/S I Love You. 'Where Rainbows End' is her first book that I ever read. So far, it's really good. Halfway to the last chapter. yay~ Oh well. And tonight, we're going to Ian's (one of Ayoi's friends) BBQ. Yay, free yummy BBQ food. i like! and what I really hate about winter now, it rains everyday and it makes me super duper lazy and it makes our house super duper cosy! The cosy part is good. I kinda like the lazy part but it's pretty annoying when i feel lazy everyday. don't you think? and rain makes going out or shopping boring! it's so dull and gloomy. But don't worry, my life ain't that gloomy. I'm pretty cheerful now. wehu. ok, I think I blab too much! doweedoweedo.. I'm gonna go off now to continue reading. Lisa! Labels: random |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 4:28 PM |
Cinta seorang suami. |
Thursday, July 31, 2008 |
Received an email. Its abit long but its worth reading because its touching. hee. Now, this is a loyal and loving husband. :)
Based on True Story..
Dilihat dari usia beliau sudah tidak muda lagi, usia yang sudah senja bahkan sudah mendekati malam. Masa Pak Suyatno, 58 tahun ke sehariannya diisi dengan merawat isterinya yang sakit. isterinya juga sudah tua. Mereka berkahwin sudah lebih 32 tahun
Mereka dikurniakan 4 orang anak ....disinilah awal cubaan menerpa, setelah isterinya melahirkan anak ke empat .....tiba-tiba kakinya lumpuh dan tidak boleh digerakkan. Hal itu terjadi selama dua tahun..
Menginjak tahun ke tiga seluruh tubuhnya menjadi lemah bahkan terasa tidak bertulang lidahnyapun sudah tidak mampu digerakkan lagi.
Setiap hari pak suyatno memandikan, membersihkan kotoran, menyuapkan, dan mengangkat isterinya ke atas tempat tidur. Sebelum berangkat ke tempat kerja dia meletakkan isterinya di hadapan TV supaya isterinya tidak berasa kesunyian.
Walau isterinya tidak dapat bercakap, tapi dia selalu melihat isterinya tersenyum, dan pak suyatno masih berasa beruntung kerana tempat kerjanya tidak begitu jauh dari rumahnya, sehingga siang hari dia boleh pulang ke rumah untuk menyuapi isterinya makan. Petangnya dia pulang memandikan isterinya, mengganti pakaian, dan selepas maghrib dia temankan isterinya menonton tv sambil bercerita apa sahaja yang dia alami seharian.
Walaupun isterinya hanya mampu memandang (tidak mampu memberikan respons), pak suyatno sudah cukup senang bahkan dia selalu menggoda dan bergurau dengan isterinya setiap kali menjelang tidur.
Rutin ini dilakukan pak suyatno lebih kurang 25 tahun. Dengan sabar dia merawat isterinya bahkan sambil membesarkan ke empat buah hati mereka,sekarang anak-anak mereka sudah dewasa tinggal si bungsu yang masih kuliah.
Pada suatu hari ke empat anak suyatno berkumpul di rumah orang tua mereka sambil menjenguk ibunya. Kerana setelah menikah mereka tinggal dengan keluarga masing-masing.
Dan pak suyatno tetap merawat ibu kepada anak-anaknya, dan yang dia inginkan hanya satu: semua anaknya berjaya.
Dengan kalimat yang cukup hati2 anak yang sulung berkata : ?Pak kami ingin sekali merawat ibu ... Semenjak kami kecil kami melihat bapak merawat ibu dan tidak ada sedikit pun keluhan keluar dari bibir bapak, bahkan bapak tidak izinkan kami menjaga ibu.?
Dengan air mata berlinang anak itu melanjutkan kata-katanya .....
?Sudah yang kali keempat kami mengizinkan bapak menikah lagi, kami rasa ibupun akan mengizinkannya.. Bila papak akan menikmati masa tua bapak dengan berkorban seperti ini ... kami sudah tidak sampai hati melihat bapak begini... kami berjanji akan merawat ibu dengan sebaik-baiknya secara bergantian," ujar anaknya yang sulung merayu.
Pak Suyatno menjawab hal yang sama sekali tidak diduga oleh anak-anaknya.
?Anak-anakku. ..... jikalau hidup di dunia ini hanya untuk nafsu.... mungkin bapak akan berkahwin lagi.... tapi ketahuilah dengan adanya ibu kalian di sampingku... . itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Dia telah melahirkan kalian...? Sejenak kerongkongannya tersekat... ?Kalian yang selalu kurindukan hadir di dunia ini dengan penuh cinta yang tidak dapat dinilai dengan apapun. Cuba kalian tanya ibumu apakah dia menginginkan keadaannya seperti Ini ?
Kalian menginginkan bapak bahagia .... Apakah batin bapak dapat bahagia meninggalkan ibumu dalam keadaannya seperti sekarang ?
Kalian menginginkan bapak yang masih diberi Allah kesihatan yang baik dirawat oleh orang lain ........ bagaimana dengan ibumu yg masih sakit?
Sejenak meledaklah tangis anak-anak pak Suyatno... Merekapun melihat butiran-butiran kecil jatuh di pelupuk mata ibunya... Dengan pilu ditatapnya mata suami yang sangat dicintainya itu...
Sampailah akhirnya pak Suyatno diundang oleh salah satu stesen TV swasta untuk menjadi panel jemputan acara Bimbingan Rohani Selepas subuh dan juru acara pun mengajukan pertanyaan kepada pak suyatno...
Kenapa bapak mampu bertahan selama 25 tahun merawat Isteri yang sudah tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa?
Ketika itu pak Suyatno pun menangis.... tamu yang hadir di studio yang kebanyakan kaum ibu pun tidak mampu menahan haru...
Disitulah pak suyatno bercerita...Jika manusia didunia ini mengagungkan sebuah cinta tapi dia tidak mencintai kerana Allah maka semuanya akan luntur....
Saya memilih isteri saya menjadi pendamping hidup saya .... Sewaktu dia sihat diapun dengan sabar merawat saya... Mencintai saya dengan sepenuh hati zahir dan batinnya bukan dengan mata kepala semata-mata. .. dan dia memberi saya 4 orang anak yang lucu dan baik-baik...
Sekarang dia sakit berkorban untuk saya kerana Allah... Dan itu merupakan ujian bagi saya.
Sihat pun belum tentu saya mencari penggantinya. .. apalagi dia sakit ... Setiap malam saya bersujud dan menangis dan saya mengadu kepada Allah di atas sajadah supaya meringankan penderitaan isteri saya.
Dan saya yakin hanya kepada Allah tempat saya mengadukan rahsia dan segala kesukaran saya...kerana DIA maha Mendengar...
Kisah yang wajar kita teladani. |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 9:43 PM |
Sunday, July 27, 2008 |
I am craving for this:
HONEYCOMB GOLD RUSH You can get this from Dome. I don't know if I'm exaggerating, but, seriously, it's really good. Tried it once when my friend bought it, and I think I got addicted to it too. I usually can't finish any drinks like these, such as iced mocha or whatever it is, but I was surprised that I could finish this by myself (Or, wait, maybe the size wasn't as big as iced mocha!) haha. I just love to exaggerate. Don't worry, you'll love it too. trust me! and tonight, I'm craving for it but tonight Dome closes at 10pm. and it's 10.22pm now. I'm 20 minutes late. I thought it opens til midnight. oh well. there's always tomorrow although sometimes I won't feel like it again tomorrow. sigh! whatever. Now, we're watching this new TV series - DEXTER. Dexter! It's about a police forensic who is also a serial killer? ah, I don't know. Just watch or google for the synopsis. lol. I don't think it's a new tv series. I think they have 2 seasons played already. oh well. I like this show. It's a pretty interesting tv series to watch starring Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan. =)) Oh, I just watched Sex and the City the Movie just then! Though I didn't watch the series, I still find the movie really interesting. Not bad! Suit for girls who are into chick flicks and fashion. I just lovvveee their stuff - their branded bags, the dresses, the shoes and other accessories. =) To the girls who haven't watched it and who really want to watch this movie, go grab the dvd now and have fun watching. you'll love it too! =) Anyhoos, that's a pretty long story from me hey. Oh well. Since I can't get the honeycomb goldrush from Dome tonight, I guess I gotta make my own then. (Coffee and put some crushed Crunchie on top!). hehehe. cooooooooooooool. bye. Labels: random |
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 10:15 PM |
Kreativ Blogger. |
Saturday, July 26, 2008 |
• the winner may put the logo on her/his blog • put a link to the person you got the award from •nominate 6 blogs • put links to the blogs • leave a message for your nominees
posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 7:46 PM |
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Name: Alisa / Anisah
Home: Kuala Belait, Brunei
About Me: We are sisters. forever sisters. We share stories, problems and.. basically any stuff. We love each other that we have to pull each other's hair whenever we're bored. That's about it.
We are crazy.
See my complete profile
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