Our Freedom of Speech.

Wonder what we like?
Anything Chocolatey. Dancing. Shopping. Make Weird Expressions. Reading. Cute little kittens. And.. U figure the others!
People who talk lots of shit. Too crowded places. Mental people should go to fremantle! (LOL OK!!) =). No money in our pocket is such a sh*t. =S. ok tata!
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
Remember when I told you I was craving for Honeycomb Goldrush? Oh heaven, I went to Dome and ordered it and consumed it and I was happy again because of it. *grins from ear to ear*. It was good.

The short glass is Ayoi's Hot Mocha and the glass next to it is my favourite Honeycomb Goldrush. Looks yummy, isn't it? Wait till you try it. hehe.

Anyways, nothing much happening in life at the moment. I was just busy sorting out my visa. I'm almost done with my part of the work, it's the agent's turn to do the remaining stuff now. weee~ Until I get that bridging visa, then I'll be happy cause I can work and get paid and earn lots and lots of money and then I can go shopping as much as I want without feeling guilty cause it's my own money bebeh~

Oh, I've just finished reading the 'Shopaholic and Baby' by Sophie Kinsella. I just love her books cause her stories are cute and funny but sometimes they are just very cliche where they thought their husbands are cheating but actually they're not.. and bla bla bla they live happily ever after. But no no, I'm not saying you shouldn't read, in fact, you should. you really should! Get your minds off your problems and enjoy your own time with her books. =)).

At the moment, I'm reading Cecelia Ahern's book called "Where Rainbows End". She's the writer of P/S I Love You. 'Where Rainbows End' is her first book that I ever read. So far, it's really good. Halfway to the last chapter. yay~

Oh well. And tonight, we're going to Ian's (one of Ayoi's friends) BBQ. Yay, free yummy BBQ food. i like! and what I really hate about winter now, it rains everyday and it makes me super duper lazy and it makes our house super duper cosy! The cosy part is good. I kinda like the lazy part but it's pretty annoying when i feel lazy everyday. don't you think? and rain makes going out or shopping boring! it's so dull and gloomy. But don't worry, my life ain't that gloomy. I'm pretty cheerful now. wehu. ok, I think I blab too much! doweedoweedo.. I'm gonna go off now to continue reading.



posted by Alisa / Anisah @ 4:28 PM  
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Name: Alisa / Anisah
Home: Kuala Belait, Brunei
About Me: We are sisters. forever sisters. We share stories, problems and.. basically any stuff. We love each other that we have to pull each other's hair whenever we're bored. That's about it. We are crazy.
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