i'm idea-less. =(. that's why i don't know what to blog. but, according to that title kan, i'm having a panic attack coz i'm so so not ready for my exam. its monday next week. i'm really worried of this unit. i just hope that i can pass. AMIN! well. studied for the past 3 hrs. what did i gain? hmm 50% of the chapter kalie. LOL. aku pandai. i don't know. i'm just not confident enough and that bloody unit is driving me really crazy. sigh. thank god we got a really good mark for the assignment. thanks Brian or Humayun.. =)).
omg. i so hate people who claim themselves as acting bitchy. haha. such as "me being bitchy", "bitchy laugh". wtf? canakan bitchy laugh anie. tell me! stop being so poklen-ish bah. wahaha! man, i just can't accept things that don't go my way. nadalah, not like dat bah..i only sasak pls. HAHA. and oh, NISAH, I MICHHH YOU. AKU WAWA. AKU VALIK, TANI ALAN SHAMA2 OK. EDUY BILIK KU JUA LAH SAL AKU AKUUUTTTT BAH KADANG2. LOL. u get the picture now people??? hahaha. don't you just hate reading those? only little kids sound cute when they speak that way. but not for someone like above 12 atu. ewwwness tarus! haha. oh well. jgn marah siapa2 yang terasa atu. this is called as a freedom of speech. i can say whatever i want. it's not like i'm mentioning names. it's a notice for everyone. ahahhaha. kalau inda suka, jgn jadi poklen. hahahaha. aku gila actually coz of that bloody unit. =/. bye.
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